Compentency-based education and adult-learners: a qualitative case-study of a midwestern university program

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Dustova, Gandzhina
Roof, David J.
Issue Date
Thesis (Ph. D.)
Other Identifiers
CardCat URL

This dissertation is based on a qualitative study that aimed to explore a Competency- Based Education (CBE-BS) program offering a Bachelor of Science degree at a mid-sized university in the Midwest. My research dissertation included a study of the program’s administration, faculty, and currently enrolled students to understand better the program’s vision, its implementation, and its impact on adult learners. The main objective was an in-depth understanding of the CBE-BS program and its impact on students. I used qualitative research methods, specifically, a case study design. My case study was an investigation into the program’s design, implementation, and ability to meet adult learners’ needs. I am confident that the findings of this study are valuable for educators, adult learners, and the leadership at the institutions. My research is significant for educators looking to improve their existing CBE programs or newly established CBE programs. This is because my study highlighted the values and challenges that faculty, staff, and adult learners faced as they were going through the program. My study is also meaningful for adult learners interested in pursuing a competency-based degree as this case study is a descriptive example of the CBE program.