Competition in the education marketplace : a study of the role of business, government and educational organizations as providers of adult/continuing education

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Jonas, Phyllis J.
Weaver, Roy A.
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Thesis (D. Ed.)
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This study looked at three groups of providers of Adult/Continuing Education (business, government agencies and educational institutions) to see what perceptions they had of the roles each group had assumed in making educational opportunities available to adults. The study also provided a historical perspective of the evolution of each group and their current roles as educators.The study population represented both purveyors and purchasers of education for adults and included officers of major corporations, government training officers, and chief administrative officers of major universities.The investigator used an 181 item questionnaire containing statements about perceptions these three groups of providers of education had about adult education, its administration, and their respective roles in providing that education. The questionnaire was analyzed on a percentage comparison basis. A median was also provided for each question by group.