A pedagogical analysis of the Estudos bem-humorados para trompete solo by Fernando Morais
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Estudos Bem-Humorados Para Trompete Solo is the first collection of advanced level Brazilian trumpet etudes based on Brazilian popular music. This research is intended to serve as a performance and pedagogical guide for the performance of the estudos. It includes a historical analysis, a compositional analysis and a pedagogical analysis. The results of a survey sent to Brazilian trumpet professors indicated that the Brazilian trumpet pedagogy relies on nonBrazilian etude books at the college level. These short pieces for solo unaccompanied trumpet are important for the development of a Brazilian school of trumpet as they include themes, styles and quotations from Brazilian popular songs, and quotes nineteenth-twentieth century Brazilian composers with original material by Fernando Morais. For Brazilians they serve to preserve those popular styles and to highlight their importance of the academy. For non-Brazilians, they serve as an introduction to Brazilian popular music through the styles found in the estudos. Future steps in this research include translating the pedagogical analysis to Portuguese and make it available for non-English speakers, and publication of both English and Portuguese versions in trumpet and music education journals.