The creation of "Mr. Moore" : a memoir : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Moore, Matthew K.
Unseld, Charles T.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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As I stand on the verge of graduating from college, I can't help but think about my high school graduation. I never in a million years would have guessed that I would end up at Ball State University, with a degree in Elementary Education.My goal in this thesis is to let you inside my head and my life as I traveled along aimlessly from college to college without a true direction. What events and experiences have shaped me into the person that I am today?I will begin the thesis by informing my reader of what a memoir is. After introducing memoirs, I will introduce myself, my family, and give a brief background of my life. I will take the reader on a bumpy ride beginning with my senior year in high school, and ending with my college graduation in Muncie, Indiana. The reader will witness what experiences led me to enroll, and attend, four different universities. Because a memoir focuses on not what is going on, but how it shapes the writer, I will explain my thoughts and feelings throughout the past six years.AcknowledgementsI would first like to thank my parents for having me, without them I wouldn't be here today.Also, I would like to thank Mr. Charles Unseld for his assistance and support with this project. Thank you for encouraging me to reflect on my past experiences and create a memoir.Finally, thank you so much to Krista at the Writing Desk. Together, we took my past six years and created an Honors thesis. I couldn't have done it without you!