Homophenous monasyllabic words used as a lipreading test
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Three lipreading tests were given to thirty normal hearing college students in groups of five during three successive weeks: a 50word list of CID W-22 words presented via videotape; a second randomization of the same words presented via a one-way glass window; and Form A of the Utley Sentence Test of Lipreading presented via videotape. Each monosyllabic word test of lipreading was scored so that stimulus only was accepted and again so that homophenous substitutions were accepted. The Utley Sentence Test was scored counting the number of words correct.Results suggested monosyllabic words may be reliably used as a test of lipreading. It appeared that homophenous scoring did not produce more reliable results than regular scoring. There were indications that further study is needed to determine if the words should be scored for homophenous substitutions and to determine reliability when presentation mode is changed.