Development of a photography manual for high school yearbook advisers
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An inexperienced yearbook adviser finds many areas of confusion on establishing relations with a professional photographer to handle senior portraits and provide other photographic services. On the other hand, photographers find it difficult to work with the new adviser because the adviser often does not know what to expect from the photography studio and is not organized in a manner which will facilitate a productive assignment. Therefore, the research conducted and the manual which resulted was an attempt to give suggestions to the new adviser on areas which should be carefully planned so a better working relationship can be established between the professional photographer and the yearbook staff and adviser. Hopefully, the solution to this problem could bring about better high school yearbooks.The problem was very evident from reactions received from advisers throughout Indiana. Many expressed feelings of confusion which stemmed from a lack of knowing what to expect from the photographers and knowing what was expected of them in handling photographic assignments. Many photographers also expressed an interest in the problem. The photographers felt some anxieties about working with a new adviser because the adviser often did not have things organized adequately and did not seem to realize the photographers problems in completing assignments. The research of this problem was limited to the aspects which involve the relationship of the two parties: the photography studio which usually handles the seniorportraits and other activity work for the school, and the adviser and staff. Although many of the problems and ideas which were included in the manual are the product of the writers own experience, none were included which were not found to be important and accurate from the research of other sources.The importance of the problem is of the highest significance. Anew yearbook adviser has many perplexing situations the first year on the job. The solution to the problem examined here could be of great benefit to one who is inexperienced. It might exempt the adviser from a few of the many problems which arise particularly in the first year of teaching. The researcher felt that if advisers were only aware of some of the problems before they occur, they could cope with them more efficiently and allow themselves more time and concern for the direction of a meaningful book. It is problems such as the ones discussed in the manual which are time consuming, troublesome, and often frustrating. Since little is available on this management side of photography, there appeared a definite need for research on the topic. The research for the purposes of the manual was limited to the basic areas of photography on a high school yearbooks senior portraits, underclass pictures, faculty pictures, and activity pictures. The writer tried to include only those aspects of planning and organization of pictures which involved the professional photographer and the adviser, or those items which were closely related to the over all preparation of the section. It was not the purpose of this research to deal with the actual technique of photographing, but rather to give the adviser a better understanding of his role in working the problems out with the professional photographer.