The overall effect of transgender women in sports

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Vandewalle, Eliza
Ludwig, Kathryn
Szymanski, Alan
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Honors College
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The world of sports is forever changing and at a very rapid pace. Many different topics switch in and out of the spotlight in local news, national news, international news, and social media. The one topic that has stayed relevant for many decades, especially in today’s day and age, is whether or not transgender women should have a place in women’s sports. Both radical sides of the argument constantly push back and forth in the media. With the media controlling the topic, the general population, more often than not, ends up getting skewed information with little to no educational value. In my creative project, I’ve taken the time to interview multiple members of Ball State’s University academic faculty, article editors, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community to fully understand the history, science, challenges, and potential solutions to the subject.