A phenomenological photovoice study on black/white biracial individuals' experiences amid ongoing racial unrest in the United States

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Uehline, Lex
Bowman, Sharon
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Thesis (Ph. D.)
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This study utilizes a phenomenological photovoice methodology to understand and uplift the identity experiences of Black/White Biracial individuals amid ongoing racial unrest in the United States. Critical race theory provided a theoretical framework that indicated the counter-narratives of Black/White Biracial individuals are necessary to confront and reframe dominant racial discourse that contributes to marginalization. A semi-structured interview that included photoelicitation guided six Black/White Biracial participants’ discussion of identity experiences. Interpretative phenomenological analysis offered an approach to code the data and generate themes. Five superordinate and twenty-two subordinate themes were identified within a thematic structure that revealed a process wherein Black/White Biracial participants’ experiences unfolded. The study’s strengths, limitations, implications, and areas of future research are reviewed within.