Getting there : a study to define and offer conceptual solutions for the control of sprawl, rural land preservation, neighborhood connectivity, and community image development in northwest Muncie
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This study covers several areas of long held interest and urgent relevance: the development of lasting and meaningful community identity, the design of dynamic communities well aware of their current and future potential, the preservation of rural lands, and the control of unplanned growth.Working on two tracks, the study researches through focused interviews the conceptual image of the community held by representative members and then seeks to apply principles derived from the work of Randall Arendt, Robert Yaro and others to the articulation of land planning and site design measures that can be implemented in the Northwest sector of Muncie.Based on both the research and the derivation of principles, the study offers a large number of ideas supported with illustrations toward the improvement of the conditions and the creation of a long range strategy for land development and conservation.