Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the collegiate solo trumpet literature of the United States: establishing the standard repertoire
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This study created lists of the Standard Repertoire of Collegiate Solo Trumpet Literature of the United States by defining the Standard Repertoire as it was understood by applied Trumpet professors throughout the United States at the time of the research in four categories. These four categories were “Solo Repertoire Approved of as Audition Material for Entry into an Undergraduate Program”, “Solo Repertoire Approved of for Performance For Credit during an Undergraduate Program”, “Solo Repertoire Approved of as Audition Material for Entry into a Graduate Program”, and “Solo Repertoire Approved of for Performance For Credit during a Graduate Program.” These four lists were then examined through the context of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in order to see how the polled population felt about the concept of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the context of the solo repertoire they chose to teach to their Trumpet students. The data collected suggested that while the polled population claimed that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion were important in post-secondary music education, in the context of the solo repertoire they chose to teach to their students, there was not a high magnitude of the value of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, with the exception of the category of “Solo Repertoire Approved of for Performance For Credit during an Undergraduate Program