A sight to hear
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Teachers across the country talk about the unmatched feeling they get when a student understands and starts to process a topic they are teaching on. With attained learning in the classroom, children are more likely to have academic success, and less likely to have behavioral issues, which often stem from frustration with their lack of understanding. One major reason for not achieving proper learning landmarks in early education is undetected hearing loss. This hearing loss can lead to an exponential deficit in learning for the child. While this can often be combatted through hearing comprehension aids such as hearing aids or cochlear implants, these solutions are often too expensive for families to afford. While there is speech-to-text software that students can utilize to comprehend the speech, there are thousands of children with a hearing loss that can not yet read, which leaves them in a hopeless situation. A Sight to Hear is a proof of concept that shows a possible bridge between these children and comprehension in the classroom. The app concept uses common picture symbols to represent each spoken word, pulling the words from a database. This will allow children to follow along with oral education and instruction in the classroom to stay up to par with their peers.