Mammals of the Salamonie Reservoir, Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana
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A survey of the mammalian fauna of the Salamonie Reservoir, Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana, was conducted from September 1, 1970, through December 31, 1971. Specimens were collected by trapping, shooting, and as road kills. Data were also collected from local residents, hunters, and trappers. Specimens collected were identified, measured, weighed, and preserved as study skins and skulls. Measurement ranges, means, and standard deviations were computed for all species with two or more specimens. Study skins and skulls were deposited in the Ball State University Mammal Collection.Results indicate at least 29 species of mammals are present on the Salamonie Reservoir study area. Twenty three species were collected during the study and six were accounted for in literature reports of previous studies.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306