The Lightcroft Estate : Hagerstown, Indiana home of Charles and Leora Teetor

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Harbison, Brian P.
Cairns, Malcolm D.
Issue Date
Thesis (M.L.A.)
Department of Landscape Architecture
Other Identifiers

This final creative project involved preparation of a cultural landscape report for the properties that were previously known as The Lightcroft Estate. This study has determined the historical significance of The Lightcroft Estate as a designed historic landscape and presents preservation guidelines for future improvement at the site. Historical evidence indicates that the Lightcroft Estate was developed over a period of forty-three years under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Teetor with the services of an architect Charles E. Werking and the possible collaboration of an engineer, John W. Mueller. Existing features in the landscape surrounding the home suggest an extensive landscape that included a Japanese Garden, two fishing lakes, a formal garden with tea house, pergola, fountains and basins, a power house/roller wheel with adjacent water works and water features throughout the landscape. The home and the grounds are found to be significant for its association with the Country Place Era in landscape architecture and the role the Teetor family served in bringing prosperity to their family and community during the industrial revolution and early automotive industry. A cultural landscape report is presented which follows the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes. Treatment recommendations are presented which focus on the preservation of existing features, reconstruction of the formal garden.
