Funding the path to higher education : grant writing for Project Stepping Stone

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Schneider, Alexander L.
Pak, Chin-Sook
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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This Honors College creative thesis was undertaken with the goal of increasing the accessibility of higher education to the Latino community of Indiana. One of the most powerful methods of increasing the Latino community's level of educational attainment is through the practice of mentoring. In order to make a long-lasting impact that extends beyond what I could personally do for one or two individuals, I decided to assume the role of grant-writer for an Indianapolis-based non-profit organization, Project Stepping Stone. This organization offers a free week-long college-prep program for Latino students, where students receive mentoring, guidance, and inspiration, and by securing funding for Project Stepping Stone I believe that I am assisting in opening the doors to higher education to Latino high school students in Indiana.