The NR resource : a handbook for students majoring in Natural Resources at Ball State University : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)
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This design for a student handbook was created to show the Natural Resources Department at Ball State how a simple public relations effort could improve communication between the department's administration/faculty and its students. (Financial restraints prevent the actual reproduction of the handbook, but these preproduction photo-ready pages show exactly how the 6" X 9" pages would look.) It was designed to be a companion to the Undergraduate Catalog throughout the student's college years. The basic purpose of such a handbook would be to provide students early on with information regarding academics, extra-curricular activities, and educational resources available to them. The underlying motive, however, would be to help the students feel that the department is there to help them, thus improving morale and building a sense of community within the department that has been lacking in the past. It is the capstone project in a bachelor's degree program with a major in Natural Resources (Public Information and Education) and a minor in Public Relations.