Understanding French management : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Nowicki, Jeffery P.
Riegle, Pamela B.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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This thesis deals with management practices and styles in France, from an American perspective. It should be useful to those hoping to gain a better understanding of the French and of management in their country, as well as give some small insight into how this information is relevant to Americans and specifically to Hoosiers. The main body of the thesis is a paper divided into several parts: First there is an introduction to French history, followed by a brief history of French business and an explanation of the government's role in the economy of France. Next is the main focus of the paper, with a discussion of French management style divided up into the categories of Education, style through Language, The Business Lunch, Time, Authority, Control, Mobility, Compensation, and Future Trends. The thesis concludes with a short list of Indiana associations that support or facilitate French-Hoosier commerce, and Indiana companies that are either partly owned by the French, or that deal extensively with France. The information in this thesis is important in helping Americans have a better understanding of French management practices, so that business between these two countries will have a bright future.