The nature of poetry : exploring the metaphorical relationship between man and nature : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Waldrop, Angela M.
Hamilton, Mark B., 1949-
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Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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This discussion about the nature of poetry first includes an essay which explains metaphorical relationships and nature poetry. The purpose of the essay is to show how metaphorical relationships between Man and Nature are created through our own experiences of perspective, emotion, and truth. Nature poetry utilizes the metaphor in order to illustrate these relationships. Following the essay are three poems from my personal collection; the purpose of including these is to provide my readers with contemporary examples. Accompanied by appropriate explications, these poems are intended to support the statements in my essay. The second part of this thesis presents to my readers seven original poems, which are also from my personal collection. These are included simply for enjoyment and to serve as further examples which allow the reader to interpret them on a personal basis.