An airline support facility : Houston Intercontintal Airport, Houston, Texas

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Uridel, Loren H.
Costello, Anthony J.
Issue Date
Thesis (B. Arch.)
College of Architecture and Planning
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The culmination of architectural study and outside experiences is the selection and implementation of a thesis design project. This project is carried out over a course of nine months, and should reflect an area of the student's interest and degree of expertise.Airport, and transportation, facilities: have become a major directive of our society, and must now become a major focus of the architectural profession.With background experience in aviation and design of general aviation facilities, I feel that exposure to the needs: and requirements; of airline operations and jumbo-jet oriented facilities provides an excellent educational experience. The opportunity to work with an airline support facility as the course of the project is most exciting.Within the context of this project, the "support facility" refers to activities effecting aircraft maintenance, engineering and design, airline administration, employee training, food preparation, and other functions that contribute to the operation of an individual airline.The design process included comprehensive facility programming, concept design, design development, and the final design product. The final design phase included areas of special detail design studies, and presentation of the final product.The final design product is a response to concepts dealing with site progression of industrial vs. natural environment; scale of jumbo-jets: vs. human figure; and auto vs. service traffic circulation. The industrial segment, suspended from a cantilever high-tech, exposed, steel structural system, and the multistory management offices, traditionally column supported, are separated, yet joined, by a multilevel glazed atrium . The facilities are serviced by means of an enclosed vehicular service core beneath the atrium, and separate site entries are provided for auto and service traffic.Detail studies further exposed me to interior design concepts as the atrium space and adjacent office zones were organized. Graphic studies produced an aircraft graphic system adding to the special character of the hangar.I feel that the project responds well to my goals and concepts, and is well organized into the context of the given site.