Creating a career center peer mentoring program

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Sullivan, Helen C.
Wessel, Roger D.
Issue Date
Thesis (M.A.)
Department of Educational Studies
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The purpose of this creative project was to create a career center peer mentoring program for Ball State University’s Career Center. However, this program can be adopted to fit any career center at any college and university, with special considerations for size and compensation based on the institutional structure of that particular academic setting. The concept for the project was to provide leadership and career development opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, creatively involve undergraduate students in the career development process, and relieve paid staff members of routine duties. This project will provide specific instructions for how to create a career center peer mentoring program. The Career Center is underutilized by undergraduate students. Research has shown that students need to get involved early in the career decision making process in order to successfully prepare for careers post graduation. By creating a career center peer mentoring program, Ball State University will have a group of peer mentoring students who will promote and actively participate in career center activities, thus increasing the use of services in the Career Center while providing this group of peer mentors with valuable leadership and personal development opportunities.