Here's your postcard : reflections on a world tour : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Vonderau, Samuel J.
Johnson, Jason A.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?)
Honors College
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In the spring of 2007 I had the opportunity to travel with the College of Architecture and Planning's World Tour3/Polyarkl7 to study culture and design in over 50 cities in 25 countries across the world. The experiences of those three months of travel continue to impact my thoughts and way of life on a daily basis. This creative project allowed me the opportunity to express some of what I have taken away from my travels and to put these ideas into a booklet form to share with others. The format is a combination of creative and analytical writing and graphic design that conveys some of the introspective understanding of world culture that I have developed. The goal of undertaking such a project is to present a thought-provoking an attention-grabbing account of my perceptions of the world.