Revitalization of the past : Huntingburg, Indiana
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• Today's views and attitudes of many occupants have contributed to the vacant buildings which are left on many streetscapes of American cities of all sizes. In most cases, these structures have not only served more than its life expectancy that had been originally planned, but it still possesses both historical quality and detail that can never be reproduced. However, these buildings should not be left unattended and subject to retirement when they are currently inadequate for its present function. These vacant buildings, in many instances, have been left with little understanding of their potential for adaptation and revitalization.• No matter what the condition or the situation, there are many key elements which play a crucial role which can either enhance or hinder the quality and character.of the structure. The importance in organizing and planning for successful renovation projects must take into account the attitudes and needs of the community, as well as the size, location and accommodations of the existing facilities being adapted. In addition, a great amount of consideration should be studied and evaluated for insuring the appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficiency of such a structure.• My main objective had been to develop and adapt the existing facilities to meet the expressed needs of the community while creating a design of quality and richness. At the same time, the design must evoke something of original inspiration while revealing and taking advantage of already existing qualities in the structures. The design development has been committed to both on paper and in model forms. This will allow one to sense it visually, enabling a community to see and understand the potential of such a project. Thus, my thesis can have a significant bearing on the outcome of the town's decision of what to do with the vacant structure which I have been studying.• My studies have been directed towards the design development of the integration and the relationship of several functions into two existing facilities, as well as an addition to enhance the weaker facility. The design decisions have evolved from the existing structures with respect to the spatial quality and special characteristics that each possesses. Also, improvements to the city block have been made not only to compliment the three existing structures and the retail center, but to reinforce the overall quality and fabric of the town.