Television technology

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Jolly, Thomas G.
Mendelsohn, Stanley B.
Issue Date
Thesis (B. Arch.)
College of Architecture and Planning
Other Identifiers

Video technology has become a major aspect of athletic events, and it should be incorporated into the design of an arena. Most arenas do not provide space for television cameras at locations which are capable of producing a desireable picture for the audience at home. As a result, platforms have to be constructed or some seating has to be removed in order to place the cameras at favorable locations. I feel that this problem could be avoided if video technology was incorporated into the design of an arena. Since television networks pay large sums of money in order to acquire the right to broadcast athletic events, then the most up to date technology concerning audiovisual communication should be incorporated into the design of an arena.The use of video technology has proven to be effective in other aspects besides television entertainment. Video technology can be used as a tool to help athletes better themselves. Since video technology can be a great asset in helping a team prepare for its opponent, then this technology, in its most developed stage, should be incorporated into the design of an arena, with easy access to practice areas. Video technology can be an enjoyable and functional asset to people that participate in the experiences of an arena; therefore, it should be carefully considered in the design of an arena.