The musical expression in Franz Schubert's Lieder, "Nacht und Traume" and "Die junge Nonne"

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The purpose of this study is to discuss characteristics of musical expression in Franz Schubert’s Lieder, “Nacht und Träume” and “Die junge Nonne.” This study provides a theoretical analysis of each piece with a discussion on how elements in the score relate to musical expression. The analysis focuses on: 1) Schubert’s harmonic language such as the use of chromatic sequences, common-tone chord relationships, and chromatic mediants; 2) the relationship between the voice and piano through the motivic, melodic, and rhythmic connection; 3) musical interpretations in various recordings by different performers; and 4) suggestions to help vocalists expressively interpret Schubert’s “Nacht und Träume” and “Die junge Nonne.” This study concludes by noting the importance of enhancing musical expression. Vocalists achieve stronger musical expression by carefully considering and understanding the musical and technical details. Additionally, the conclusion offers recommendations of possible topics related to this study that may be worthy of further intellectual development and expansion through scholarly research.