Europe in the classroom : activities and resources for introducing Belgium, West Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Great Britain into the elementary classroom : [an honors thesis (HONRS 499)]
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As I completed my creative project, I held closely two intentions dealing with purpose and usage of this project. First of all, it is not intended to be a final, "set-in-stone" project but a non-conclusive and ever changing endeavor that will always be growing. It should be a nucleus onto which materials and ideas can be added throughout my teaching career. Since I began this project, I have come to notice closely the role Europe, its customs and its cultures, play on our everyday lives. A flip through a magazine or a glance at any newspaper headline can instantly bring European news and influences into our lives. The information is readily available. With a little effort, this project can easily grow as new information and new ideas become accessable.Secondly, the project is intended to be used in the classroom. I was totally against putting time and effort into a project that would be graded then filed away, lost in the back of a file cabinet. Designed with the classroom in mind, it is filled with many differing ideas for versatility and flexibility within individual classrooms. Not all ideas will be appropriate for every classroom situation. Hopefully, included are enough ideas that a teacher can pick and choose appropriate activities which will be beneficial to his or her particular class.