Understanding factors related to food waste in the supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC). A qualitative study in Indianapolis, Indiana
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Objective: Food waste impact the environment and can be diminished through a change in individual behavior. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in 2010, the amount of food wasted was worth more than $161 billion. In a developed country, the highest food waste level is from the household. While the issue of wasting food is a global epidemic, this study focuses specifically on Women Infant, and Children (WIC) participants in Indianapolis, IN. Anecdotally, many U.S. food organizations are concerned about the amount of food waste, particularly among the populations they serve. The literature on food waste suggests that people's behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions regarding food waste are influenced by many factors, including adults' age, children's age, and educational background. Aim: The purpose of this study is to understand behavior, attitudes, and factors that influence food waste among WIC program beneficiaries in Indianapolis, IN. Also, this study explores the level of knowledge about food waste and its side effects.