An introduction to nutrition for lower elementary school student : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Gentry, Glenda K.
Carr, Corine M.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.S.)
Honors College
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Despite advances in clinical and preventive medicine, children today are at significant health and nutritional risk. Although most children in the United States are well nourished, malnutrition is not entirely uncommon in our population. The most common nutrition-related problems occurring among American children today include obesity, iron-deficiency anemia, dental caries, and high blood cholesterol levels (1).Because good nutrition is important to good health, it is imperative that children today know how to choose healthy eating patterns. Oftentimes, school children are left to choose or even prepare their own breakfasts, lunch boxes, and after school snacks (1). Therefore, it is up to teachers and other educators to give these children the tools they need to provide themselves with appropriate, balanced, nutrition.This educational packet is designed to assist teachers of kindergarten to second grade children in introducing the principles of nutrition.There are four lessons included, each with a related nutrition activity. Ideally, one lesson will be given per week for four weeks. If used during the month of March, it could be tied in with activities related to National Nutrition Month.References1. Boyle MA, Morris DH. Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach; St.Paul, MN: West Publishing Company; 1994.