From analysis to gesture : a comprehensive approach to score preparation for the conductor
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The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive and carefully detailed approach to score preparation which would be adaptable to all kinds of music. As a result of reviewing selected approaches to score preparation and general musical analysis techniques, a Comprehensive Approach to Score Preparation (CASP) based upon three levels of deductive analysis was created. These levels are described as Level I--Basal Structure Analysis; Level II--Review of: Supplementary Information; and Level III--Detailed Structural Analysis. The sequence of Levels was based upon (1) the importance of formulating appropriate conducting gestures and (2) the most efficient method of learning an extended musical work.Level I, Basal Structure Analysis, explores the score in terms of musical elements that may be translated directly into gesture without further study of structural comparisons. Level II, Review of Supplementary Information, surveys the historical and stylistic background of the work and the composer. The final stage of the CASP process, Level III--Detailed Structural Analysis, identifies the individual components of the musical structure as each relates to the larger structure and to the conductor's emotive interpretation.Conclusions1. The musical experience effects various modes of emotional energy in appreciative listeners as well as non-appreciative listeners, and musical scores should be interpreted on the basis of emotional energy.2. The elements of the conductor's musical interpretation are transmitted to the players and to the audience by means of the conductor's personality.3. The musical elements of articulation, dynamics, and tempo are the most important determinants of variations in musical interpretations.