Beyond the magic : Disney from behind the scenes : [an honors thesis (HONRS 499)]
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The purpose of this thesis is to show how the Walt Disney Company preserves the magical appeal at its parks, resorts, shops and entertainment ventures through shrewd business practices, excellent planning, risky decision making, and a little bit of "pixie dust." The thesis will explore the approaches of the original company and the post-Walt Team Disney, showing the different solutions found to reach the ultimate goal, the building of the "Happiest Place on Earth," a separate fantasy world where people can leave their lives at the entrance, whether it is in an attraction, a shop, a restaurant, or a theater.Research for this venture is a result of the study of many books about the various eras of the Walt Disney Company and research conducted while attending over forty hours of Disney management seminars and training during five months of work experience at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Florida while participating in the Walt Disney World College Program during the Fall semester of 1992.