Healing architecture for the A.I.D.S. patient, a place of discovery and hope : an A.I.D.S. hospice

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Bruce, Howard D.
Schaller, Arthur W.
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Thesis (B. Arch.)
College of Architecture and Planning
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Soul can incarnate progressively into a building as it progressively gains substance from wish, through Idea, planning, constructional design, budding and occupation13If qualities of movement, life, harmony, gesture and resolution of dynamic forces can be given to lines, shapes, forms and spaces, they can bring an Influence of Me to the place a building bounds 13Architecture is a powerfully responsive language that Influences individual's responses regardless of culture. We know that architecture reacts with our senses, stirring many differing emotions, but what Is It about these spaces that so carefully changes our reactions? Architecture Is intertwined with our Ives In such a manner that places take on meanings to each of us. These meanings affect our emotions and cause joy, sorrow, well being, and emptiness. As a student of architecture I have experienced many opportunities to Interact, compare, and Investigate various architectural spaces and their contents; while recording my own Interpretations Into memory.A one month field study In central Italy on adaptive use of structures triggered within me an awareness of the different emotional Intertitles that I felt when exposed to these often similar spaces.Therefore I felt that there must exist a sense of responsibility for architects to design within a 'spirit of place' 13 that not only reaches our visual senses, but gestures Into our unconsciousness minds as harmony.Our surroundings are potentially the most powerful art form we experience In our lives. Most artistic experiences are brief moments, but we live our daily lives In our surroundings. Whether they will bring Illness or healing depends upon all of us whose decisions and actions shape human environment.13Are there places within our built environment that seem more Interactive to us than others?Do any of these spaces/places give us comfort or grief?If architecture cannot have a soul, than why do many buildings of similar functions vary so much?Always seeking to understand why I enjoy many places more than others, and never enjoying visits or long stays within the confines of health facilities, I have long wished to seek better programming decisions and Influences on this problem.