Greetings : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Bohnke, Brittany L.
McVicker, Claudia J.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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Literature is an important aspect of children's development. The more children are read to and interact with reading the better their chances of success are throughout life. This thesis begins with an introduction about the importance of literature, especially to young children. The main project is comprised of 365 children's books. The books are arranged by the calendar months, and have been organized through thematic units. All of the letters of the alphabet are interwoven as well as many colors and animals. Each book is followed by a summary, an activity to do before, during, or after reading the book, an adaptation of the activity to do with a child with a disability, and a note on why the book was chosen. When used as a whole, this thesis could guide an adult through a year of fun and learning related to reading with a young child.