American voting habits pre-2020 presidential election

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Maxwell, Amber
Finch, W. Holmes
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This study reviews the habits of Americans’ voting habits prior to the 2020 Presidential Election of Donald Trump vs Joe Biden. The data was taken from a survey presented to visitors of the websites FiveThirtyEight and IPSOS. Evidence suggests that those who chose to vote did so because they believed in its importance, its impact, and its accessibility. Voters tended to trust the government and believed that the system did not require much change, if any. They believed that their vote mattered in the outcome of elections and policies. On the contrary, those who chose not to vote did not feel that their vote mattered, nor did they have much trust in their government. They also felt that voting was inaccessible to them, as obligations or other events prevented them from casting their vote. Follow-up surveys after the 2020-2024 election period are recommended to determine whether the beliefs of both voters and nonvoters changed.
