Honors peer mentor guide and analysis 2013
Haver, Russell
Germano, Kelsey
Lindberg, Laurie K.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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Over the years mentors have looked to the peer mentor advisors and to The Peer Mentor Handbook. This book needs to be updated and reinvented every few years to keep it fresh and applicable to the new peer mentors. This is a year for reinvention and rediscovery of the peer mentor handbook. This thesis is the result of our reworking of the text and design of The Peer Mentor Guide. This year we reworked the peer mentor guide and design and also included the results of our analysis of the program. The data used for this peer mentor guide came from past guides, other mentors, and surveys distributed in fall of 2012. This data was compiled and formed the basis for the peer mentor handbooks and analysis.