Just another day at the (home) office : employee benefit trends : an honors thesis ([HONRS] 499)

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Newell, Kathleen E.
Bott, Jennifer P.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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As the American workforce has struggled to manage competitive work environments and employer demands while attending to active personal lives, work-life balance has become an important issue for most working Americans. Flexible scheduling and job sharing are two employee benefit trends that aim to satisfy employee needs while maintaining, and in many cases improving, an organization's bottom line. Job sharing is the practice of having two individuals share one full-time position. Flex time programs allow employees to work nontraditional hours in non-traditional work settings. Corporate case studies, nationwide labor statistics, and a number of work-life balance studies prove that the benefits of flexible scheduling and job sharing far outweigh the costs of implementation. In order to support this conclusion, I provide an analysis of implementation factors for each work-life balance program and discuss a variety of direct and indirect benefits. Statistics on implementation factors and specific business outcomes are also included.