A study of factors affecting the mobility of superintendents as reported by Indiana public school superintendents

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Pruis, David L.
Pole, E. John
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Thesis (D. Ed.)
Department of Educational Administration and Supervision
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This study investigated relationships between literacy level and global self concept employment status income level, age and gender among students enrolled at a vocational technical college. The contribution of a subset of job-related reading self concepts to the multiple correlation was also examined.Method The study sample consisted of 100 students in Related Education Courses at Indiana Vocational Technical College, Region VI, Muncie, Indiana. Subjects responded to three instruments and a demographic questionnaire. The Literacy Assessment Battery (Sticht. 1982) provided literacy levels, the Tennessee Self Concept Scale (Fitts. 1964) yielded global self concept, and the Hays Job-Related Reading Survey (Hays, 1986) indicated job-related reading self concepts.Piloting of Hays Job-Related Reading Survey Reliability and construct validity were sought using responses from a sample (N = 230) closely comparable to one selected for the study. An analysis revealed four interpretable factors: (a) Positive Employee Self, (b) Perceived Limitations of Self, (c) Perceived Importance of Occupational Literacy, and (d) Perceived Value of Company Notices. Further analysis yielded coefficient alpha reliabilities of r = .69 to r = .86.Results Significant relationships were found between literacy level and the following: (a) Global Self Concept (r = .20, p<.04:; (b) Global Self Concept when combined with Perceived Limitations of Self, a factor from the Hays Job Related Reading Survey (r = .56. p<.000+); and (c) Perceived Limitations of Self alone (r = .56, P<.000+). Conclusions Both Global Self Concept and Perceived Limitations of Self were significantly related to Literacy, both singly and in combination. The "best" (most efficient) predictor of Literacy Level could be gained by Perceived Limitations of Self alone.Recommendations Additional research with adults is needed to confirm the findings and expand established research younger ages. Educational suggestions focus on at strengthening self concepts and occupational literacy of adults pursuing vocational training. Business should foster occupational literacy self concepts and employer-employee relationships in the workplace. Economic implications involved public and private sector support for long-term occupational literacy and job-related reading self concept programs which may yield more effective, productive employees.