Huffer Memorial Children's Center staff handbook and parent handbook : a senior honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Merkel, Scott A.
Miller, Judith L.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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This Staff Handbook and supplemental Parent Handbook is a valuable asset to any childcare facility. It encapsulates many philosophies, guidelines, and informational material that childcare providers need to be familiar with. In the past, Huffer Memorial Children's Center, like many centers today, incorporated many memos to personnel informing them of various policies. The thesis is, in reality, a collection of those memos that were saved and stored over the past ten years in hopes of someday creating the very thing that you are holding. It is to be used as a handy reference tool for any childcare provider, and all additional support personnel. This handbook is not complete, nor will it ever be. It is designed with the flexibility to add documents at any time, should the need arise. It is my earnest desire that this handbook would not just be limited to one child care facility, but would readily be handed out as a reference tool for others to use as a guide in developing others similar to this.