The demand by students for a secondary used textbook market : the creation of Campus BookLink, Inc. : an honors creative project (HONRS 499)
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Each semester students complete an average of three to four courses each. These courses require the student to purchase a textbook from one of the three campus bookstores. The purchase of textbooks generally costs the average student between $200 and $300. The purpose of this project is to create a secondary market for used textbooks. This action will accomplish five objectives:1.Create a textbook exchange system which can be marketed as a fund-raiser to studentorganizations.2.Reduce the cost of used textbooks for students. 3. Allow students to keep their textbooks throughout the week of final exams.4.Provide an employment opportunity for students who operate the fund-raiser.5.Provide a fundraising opportunity for campus organizations.If this project is successful, it will create a business opportunity that will benefit students at universities around the country.