Exploring the use of photovoice with female adolescents and emerging adults who have experienced sexual violence
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This study aims to understand the experience of female adolescents and emerging adults when using photovoice to explore their healing journey following an incident of childhood sexual abuse. Five participants between the ages of 16-23 years participated in a photovoice sequence and an individual interview in which their experience with photovoice was explored. When utilizing Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to understand their experience with photovoice, eight superordinate themes emerged. Participants reported having a positive experience and described the photovoice process as rich, vulnerable, yet also safe because of the precautions in place. Participants enjoyed the strengths vs. deficits-based approach within the photography prompts. Participants found the group aspect beneficial due to the opportunities to hear different perspectives and realize they are not alone. However, participants recommended forming larger photovoice groups. Based on the participants’ experiences with photovoice, recommendations have been made for conducting research with young people who have experienced sexual violence. However, these recommendations should be considered with caution considering the small sample selected (n = 5) and the racially homogeneous sample.