David Beckham's effect in the coverage of news media
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This study will examine the effect that David Beckham has in news media in the United States. A content analysis will be conducted to evaluate the coverage of Beckham in the L.A. Times. The hypothesis suggests that the L.A. Times wrote more articles about David Beckham after it was announced his inclusion to the L.A. Galaxy. It is important to evaluate whether the coverage of David Beckham was related to his soccer career because of its inclusion in the L.A. Galaxy from the Major League Soccer, or whether David Beckham’s coverage was deviated to his personal life, producing a different effect than what Major League Soccer intended. The newspaper will be analyzed for a period of 6 months. It will start 3 months before it was announced that David Beckham was coming to play for the L.A. Galaxy, the day of the announcement, and 3 months after the announcement. The analysis of the 6 months will give a good perspective of the effects that David Beckham had in the news media.