Merging past and present : John Paul Park, Madison, Indiana

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Lewis, Amy L.
Hoover, Anne S.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.L.A.)
College of Architecture and Planning
Other Identifiers

The growth of the preservation movement over the last century and a half has led to the protection of some of America’s most important historic treasures. These sites act as a story-telling tool, leading to the understanding and comprehension of American history. John Paul Park was the first park in Madison, Indiana. It serves as a locally significant example of twentieth century park making in the pastoral style. Since its heyday, time and lack of maintenance have allowed the park to fall into ruin and disrepair. This study was done to serve as an example of how to blend the historic design of a park with its modern uses, creating a cohesive whole that tells the story of the park’s history. The National Park Service’s guidelines for the treatment of cultural landscapes were explored and these guidelines were used as the foundation to achieve that goal. John Paul Park is an example of how to preserve the heritage of a site while meeting the modern needs of a community.