Code-switching : linguistic aspects of Chicano discourse in the southwestern United States : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Hart, Angel M.
Steves, Karen L.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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This study of the linguistic codes and styles found in the Southwestern United States focuses specifically on the discourse of Mexican - Americans, commonly known as Chicanos. The concentration is on the linguistic phenomenon of code - switching in communities with high concentrations of Chicanos. This thesis considers grammatical, sociolinguistic, and psychological aspects of Chicano speech, and considers the effects of such discourse with regard to linguistic prejudice and bilingual education.The author of this thesis proposes that code - switching is a legitimate form of communication generally found in areas with large numbers of interlocutors from different languages. The phenomenon is especially prevalent when one or the other of the languages is viewed as insubordinate or is connected with other stereotypical and derogatory ideals. This is the case in the Southwestern United States because of the disproportionately high concentration of Mexican - Americans who live in a culture, which rewards only the language, and culture of the dominant Anglo society.