School of Art
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The new School of Art is a 100,000 square foot facility, housing visual art instruction, art education, and exhibition/ gallery space for the Muncie community as well as for Ball State University. Located adjacent to the Architecture Building, the structure fits well into the master plan for the University, providing the northern terminus to the McKinley pedestrian mall, completing an academic quadrangle, including the new Business College and Bracken Library, and supporting the proposed campus vehicular traffic loop.The school contains 200 actual work spaces, with storage space for each of the 560 students. School departments will expand outward from the glazed central circulation element as determined by demand and economics.Projected total construction cost is estimated at five million dollars including landscaping. The school itself is on display as a primary design concept. To people circulating through the building, the different workshops are readily identifiable through graphic display of equipment characteristic to the particular areas.Variations in floor levels to provide visual excitement and maximum efficiency in circulation are also major design considerations.