A qualitative exploration on the effects of martial arts and the lives of individuals : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)
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This study is a qualitative examination of how martial arts have impacted the lives of individual persons in an attempt to gain a better understanding of certain psychological impacts that a person might experience. Current literature shows positive support for the idea that there are positive benefits, as well as promising possibilities for use of martial arts in certain types of therapy (Lantz, 2002; Zivin, Hassan, DePaula, Monti, Harlan, Hossain, et al., 2001). Individuals who participated in this study were met for an initial interview, a follow-up interview, and have at least one year of martial arts experience. Data for this study was collected through an initial and a follow-up interview which lasted a maximum of two hours each for each of the three participants. The interviews were recorded with a digital audio recording device and transcribed verbatim. The qualitative data management program Qualrus was used to facilitate a general thematic analysis. Discussion of results will focus on connections perceived by practitioners regarding various possible psychological benefits that can be gained through martial arts.