The effects of guided imagery and music therapy on anxiety and length of stay in women undergoing abdominal hysterectomy

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Hensel, Desiree.
Twibell, Kathryn R.
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Thesis (M.S.)
School of Nursing
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Women undergoing abdominal hysterectomies often experience high levels of anxiety which may affect surgical outcomes, including length of stay (LOS). Anxiety control may hasten recovery and hospital discharge. Guided imagery and music therapy are two methods of complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) that have been shown to reduce anxiety by interrupting the stress response. Comparative differences in individual effectiveness versus combined effectiveness of guided imagery and music therapy on anxiety reduction have not been well researched. The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of guided imagery, music therapy, and a combination of the two interventions on anxiety and LOS in women undergoing abdominal hysterectomy. The Science of Unitary Human Being conceptual model (Rogers, 1970) provides a framework for this quasi-experimental study, because both interventions act as noninvasive patterning modalities to redirect energy flow.The convenience sample will consist of 80 consenting women scheduled to undergo abdominal hysterectomies at two large Midwestern hospitals. Anxiety will be measured upon admission and daily until discharge the using the State Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983). Length of hospital stay will be measured in total hours from admission until discharge and obtained through chart review.Participation will be voluntary and the rights of the human subjects will be protected. Data will be kept confidential. No risks to the participants have been identified. Permission to conduct the study will be granted by the internal review boards of the participating institutions. Since 600,000 hysterectomies are performed annually in the United States, the findings of this study may provide information about the most effective way for nurses to use the two CAM approaches in women undergoing abdominal hysterectomies.
