Registered nurses' knowledge and application regarding latex allergy precautions

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Hinds, Charisse L.
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Thesis (M.S.)
School of Nursing
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Latex allergy is a serious health problem for a growing number of patients and healthcare workers. To provide quality care for latex sensitive patients, as well as staff at risk, registered nurses need to understand the basic issues surrounding latex allergy sensitization. Principles of clinical application must also be demonstrated in practice to prevent incidence of hypersensitivity. The purpose of this study is to examine registered nurses' knowledge and clinical applications of precautions regarding latex allergy. The theoretical framework of this study is Imogene M. King's Theory of Goal Attainment. The Latex Allergy Knowledge Base Self Questionnaire (LAKBSQ) (Lewis, Norgan & Reilly, 1998) will be the instrument utilized to measure nurses' knowledge and application of precautions in the clinical setting. The study will be conducted in a mid-size, mid-western health care facility and consist of a population of 900 registered nurses that practice in direct patient care areas. The anticipated convenience sample is 300 registered nurses (one third). Nursing unit managers/educators will be contacted and meetings will be conducted informing staff of the study. Participants will be given a cover letter explaining the study, along with the instrument and a self-addressed envelope. No names will appear on the questionnaire. Participation will be voluntary and the data will remain anonymous. This study is significant because it will provide information for nurse educators for staff development protocol regarding latex allergy.
