Bioethics education of genetic counselors : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Wei, Manuela
Hendrix, Jon R.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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The purpose of this research is to determine if master's degree genetic counselor training programs are adequately preparing their students to deal with the ethical dilemmas they will encounter in counseling cases. A survey was developed to ascertain the needs of genetic counselors in the area of bioethics and the sufficiency of their previous bioethics training in helping them deal with certain cases. The responses to the survey were used to evaluate syllabi of courses that address bioethics to determine if the needs of the counselors are being met. Recommendations to the training programs were made, especially those addressing the bioethical principles in the NSGC code of ethics, according to the requirements expressed by the genetic counselors responding to the survey.