Studies of skull characteristics as related to age and sex for two species of fox in northeastern Indiana

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Freyer, Gerald D.
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Thesis (M.A.)
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Many investigators have studied both the red fox (Vulpes fulva), and the gray fox (Urocyon cinereargenteus). Much of the research has concerned food habits of both species during various times of the year. Popular articles about the red fox contain legends, or cast the fox as a villian, destroying domestic animals such as chickens or small pigs or populations of game animals. This study correlates age and sex with skull characteristics of two species of fox. Similar studies have been conducted in other parts of North America (Churcher, 1960; Wood, 1958). My investigation is a continuation of the study done by David Scherff (1969) in 1968-69. Wild fox populations in northeastern Indiana were not studied prior to Scherff's investigation. The objectives of the present investigation were to determine sex and age ratios and identify correlations between skull characteristics and the sex and age of samples from a wild population of red fox and from a wild population of gray fox.
