The Collision Project, episode 1 : translation
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When two neutron stars collide in outer space, they either create a black hole or a new star. The Collision Project podcast does not feature colliding stars, but instead works to collide ideas to create something new. By bringing together the thoughts and opinions of people with different perspectives and worldviews, this podcast episode produces a new and deeper understanding of broad or contentious topics. This pilot episode, entitled "Translation," includes interviews with three guests who are translators in different fields: language, technology, and theatre. As the host, I then synthesized the three responses and provided the audience with thought-provoking takeaways. Audience feedback became an integral part of this thesis process, and the feedback collected from a focus group led to a second, final draft of the podcast. In a world of divisions, this podcast embraces different opinions rather than hiding from them, and simultaneously invites listeners to join in.