The relationship of moderate daily physical activity to body fat and success in the classroom
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Recent studies have confirmed that physical activity has an inverse relationship to body composition. There is a plethora of research that has examined the effects of physical activity on general health, but the new idea of moderate daily physical activity (MDPA) has received limited attention. This study will establish the relationship between daily activity and success of students. This relationship will be determined through a pre-test and post-test of body fat percentage and a classroom success survey. The classroom success survey is a self-report questionnaire and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Body fat percentage will be taken with an Omron body fat analyses machine. Subjects of both genders were chosen from Wawasee High School physical education classes. The study lasted an entire semester (18 weeks). During this time the subjects were involved in a daily physical education class. These classes consisted of daily jumping rope, crunches, push-ups and stretching each for a minute long. A half-mile jog along with playing a sport unit (e.g. Tennis, Volleyball, etc.) completed the 50 minute daily activities. Results of this study indicated that there was not a significant difference in body fat percentage or success in the classroom with those subjects that were involved in MDPA. The researcher believes that further analysis of both assessments is needed to determine if the null differences were due to chance or lack of time and quantity of subjects.