Mindfulness-based intervention recommendations for athletes experiencing mild traumatic brain injury - a narrative synthesis
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Research shows that the interventions for the cognitive, affective, somatic, and sleep dysregulation symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury have varying significance and low effect sizes. Recently, mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have been considered for patients across many different clinical populations, including sport-related mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Additionally, athletes who have had previous mindfulness training through sport psychology performance interventions may benefit the most from mindfulness-based interventions for injury. Therefore, this narrative synthesis aims to summarize the current MBI literature surrounding the four main deficits of mTBI in college-aged individuals and provide recommendations to sport-psychology or -medicine practitioners. To accomplish this eight databased were searched for studies using MBIs to treat cognitive, affective, somatic, and sleep symptoms across different patient populations, with a mean age of 18-30 years. Results found common, significant, intervention themes for depressive, anxiety, and sleep symptomology. Interventions that emphasized open monitoring mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) and emphasized detachment, acceptance or CBT showed significant improvements on depression symptoms.