Mainstreet : the magazine for Muncie and Delaware County : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Christensen, John F.
Sumner, David E., 1946-
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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Mainstreet Magazine is a magazine for culturally andcommunity minded people and personalities; specifically those found in Muncie and the surrounding Delaware County. It's a magazine for people about people -- people the readers know, people they would like to know, people they just find interesting and people they would like to imitate.In this light, as a magazine specifically centered on the Muncieand Delaware County community, Mainstreet will serve a cultural focus point for the area. It will serve to tie together the members of the community who see culture and community activism as not only desirable, but necessary, for a growing and evolving area.Finally, as a joint production of Ball State University and WBST public radio in Muncie, Mainstreet will also serve the interests of these two groups by 1) better serving WBST members, as well as enhancing the cultural awareness of the area, which, in turn, may attract more members, and 2) to provide an outlet for student writing, reporting, photography and overall publication experience.